Prostitute – A profession or an Issue?
Often it happens that people who have been dragged in the prostitution do have certain issues pertaining to the profession. So, the common question in this case is, is prostitution an issue or a profession. According to the UN, prostitution, although not legalized forms a key profession in some countries where the foreign currency is easily available. For some, prostitution can be an easy way of earning money, and thus they come into this profession voluntarily. Other than that, some are often sold in this profession, and thus, this makes it an illegal one, due to the high volume of woman and child trafficking.
Different types of Prostitution
Based on the working location of the prostitutes, the prostitution can be of different types. For example, the most common ones are:
— Independent Prostitutes – These are the people who work as call girls or escorts in different locations and charge quite high prices. They are known to stay away from the public eye, and lead normal life in the eyes of the society.
— Employees of the Escort Agency: Escorts agency are very well known in all the countries, escorts agencies carry on with their work either legally or illegally. Thus, the employees of the escort agencies do earn a handsome amount
— Employees of a brothel – Brothel employees are those who stay in the red light areas and service their customers. The prices charged are moderate and the exploitations are also more prominent in this places.
— Workers in Casino – Casino workers do earn a decent amount depending on the casino, or the clubs they service in.
— Street workers – Prostitutes can be found in the streets during certain time of the day and in certain locations.
Thus, knowing the different types of prostitution businesses which are in place, you can be sure of having a general outlook, and can even hire one if you so require.